Burton School District’s commitment to instructional leadership drives administrators to actively support teaching and learning. By leveraging eWalk, the district has strengthened the role of school leaders, fostering a growth-oriented culture centered on instructional leadership. This approach empowers school leaders to be highly visible, actively engage in classrooms, focus on instructional quality, and build strong, positive relationships with teachers and students. BSD administrators strive to be effective instructional leaders, understanding that being present in classrooms is essential for staying connected with the teaching environment and guiding school growth.

Staying Connected to the Classroom? 

Burton’s leaders see classroom visits as valuable opportunities to support teacher development and grow as instructional leaders. With eWalk, principals are equipped to be in classrooms regularly, using this efficient tool to provide meaningful feedback and foster a culture of continuous improvement. 

eWalk also simplifies the process of monitoring the frequency of classroom visits, ensuring leaders engage with every teacher, including those in specialized roles. Maintaining a visible presence across their schools is a priority, as it helps build a positive school culture and fosters strong relationships with teachers and students. eWalk’s data tracking gives them confidence that no classroom is overlooked, reinforcing a supportive environment where all teachers feel seen and valued. 

Streamlining Walkthroughs 

With eWalk’s user-friendly design, Burton’s leaders can balance their unpredictable schedules while still conducting regular observations which makes the process more efficient and effective. The ability to quickly type in notes, email feedback to teachers, and maintain a historical record in one centralized system allows them to optimize time spent in the classroom.? 

School leaders coordinate with office staff to block time for walkthroughs, ensuring minimal interruptions. They also send reminders via phone and calendar. School administrators break down the number of teachers they have and how many observations are needed per day for the month. To make this task less overwhelming, they set up a schedule that divides observation duties among principals and assistant principals, keeping in mind that it is essential for assistant principals to also act as instructional leaders. Conducting walkthroughs helps leaders to identify instructional trends in the building. Leaders discuss these trends with teachers, share the data, and collaborate to set goals, ultimately driving professional development for the school. 

Throughout the year, site administrators conduct cross-site calibration visits. They conduct team walkthroughs, followed by debriefing sessions to align feedback and ask questions such as, “What feedback would you provide?” This process is essential for ensuring effective and consistent feedback.

Providing Meaningful Feedback 

Using eWalk, site leaders have the ability to provide feedback to the teacher after the walkthrough. Some prefer emailing feedback immediately, while others do so once back at the office, giving flexibility to adapt to their personal preference. This feedback process has led to deeper conversations about instructional strategies, allowing teachers to engage in meaningful dialogue about rigor, engagement, and best practices. The eWalk template is designed around the district’s Instructional AIM: Effective Questioning, Academic Discourse, and Responsive Teaching. Teachers are aware of these focus areas, so classroom visits come with clear, consistent expectations. 

Using Data for Instructional Improvement 

Burton’s data-driven approach has helped transform instructional practices. With eWalk, site and central office leaders can analyze trends from walkthrough data, focusing on the instructional AIM targets. At districtwide principals’ meetings, administrators review and compare site-level data with district averages to set actionable goals for professional development. This data visibility enables the district to align instructional improvement initiatives and make informed decisions that reflect classroom realities. 

Key Takeaways for Other Districts? 

Burton’s experience highlights several valuable lessons for districts looking to maximize the impact of eWalk: 

  1. Focus on Growth and Support: Encourage site leaders to see walkthroughs as opportunities for professional growth. Empowering principals as instructional leaders, helps foster a culture of trust, collaboration, and continuous improvement. 
  1. Leverage Data for School Improvement: Use eWalk’s data capabilities to identify instructional trends and inform professional development. Analyzing data at both site-specific and districtwide enables targeted and effective improvement efforts. 
  1. Prioritize Efficient Communication: Simplify the feedback process to open communication lines between administrators and teachers. Flexibility in how and when feedback is given encourages conversations that improve teaching quality and drive student achievement. 

The Ongoing Impact of eWalk at Burton? 

eWalk is an essential tool for Burton, streamlining observation processes and improving administrative efficiency. It allows leaders to stay engaged with the classroom instruction and is aligned with district goals, ultimately driving student achievement. 

To lead effectively, leaders need to be in classrooms. eWalk makes it possible for them to track, share, and reflect on classroom observations with ease, all while strengthening the commitment to the overall end goal which is student achievement and student success. 

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