Lee County Strategy • Continued

Protocol for District Team

Total Time: 2 hours
Meeting Place: School Site
Materials: Electronic Device, Map of School w/Teacher Names, Bell Schedule, List of Absent Teachers
Learning Walks: 1 hour and 15 minutes to allow for transitions (5-10 minutes per class)
Discuss before the walk:

  1. Date:
  2. Visit Number:
  3. School Name:
  4. Principal:
  5. Volunteer Log:
  6. Part III School Improvement Plan- Focus Areas:
  7. Title I Funds/Other Resources:
  8. High Yield Instructional Strategies:
  9. “Look Fors” from Principal:

Debriefing with Principal and Team: 30 minutes

  1. Enter notes in eWalk platform
  2. Use data from the eLearning Walk for the debrief session
  3. Log-in URL: https://mxwebus1.harriscomputer.io/home/florida
  4. Share best practices that were observed during the walk
  5. Discuss plusses and opportunities
  6. Discuss principal requests
  7. Discuss district follow up
  8. The principal will receive feedback with data from the learning walk the same day as the visit with follow-up from team lead within 48 hours regarding supports
  9. Log eLearning Walk Visit CASTLE – leave message blank

Learning Walk Template – Observed or Not Observed

Built into eWalk

Type of Instruction: Direct Instruction, Small Group Instruction, Independent Learning, Collaborative Learning, Lecture, Lab, Assessment


Positive, Supportive, and Proactive Learning Environment
Learners understand the importance of attendance and the impact on learning.
Learners understand the process and procedure for make-up work.
Learners’ attendance data is monitored and reviewed systematically to identify and address barriers to improved attendance.


Equitable, Well Managed, and High Expectation Learning Environment
Learners demonstrate knowledge of and/or follow classroom rules and behavioral expectations and work well with the teacher and other students
Learners use class time and transition time purposefully with minimal wasted time or disruptions.
Learners are treated in a fair, clear and consistent manner.
Learners take risks in learning (without fear of negative feedback)
Learners take responsibility for and are self-directed in their learning.
Learners demonstrate a sense of community that is positive, cohesive, engaged, and purposeful.

Classroom Success

Supportive, Rigorous, Engaging, and High Expectation Learning Environment
Learners engage in appropriate standards and instructional frameworks of learning.
Learners engage in high yield instructional strategies.
Learners engage in differentiated learning opportunities and/or activities that meet their needs.
Learners are actively engaged in the challenging but attainable learning activities.
Learners actively engage in rigorous coursework, discussions, and/or tasks that require the use of higher order thinking, Level 3 or 4 Strategic/Extended Thinking Depth of Knowledge (DOK) (eg. Analyzing, applying, evaluating, synthesizing, cite evidence).
Learners actively engage in rigorous coursework, discussions, and/or tasks that require the use of Level 2 Skill/Concept Depth of Knowledge (DOK) thinking. (e.g. distinguish, predict, classify, interpret).
Learners engage in course work, discussions and/or tasks that require the use of Level 1 Recall Depth of Knowledge (DOK) thinking (e.g. list, define, identify, quote).
Learners collaborate with their peers to accomplish/complete projects, activities, tasks and/or assignments.
Learners make connections from content to real-life experiences.
Progress Monitoring and Feedback Environment:
Learners monitor their own learning progress or have mechanisms whereby their learning progress is monitored.
Learners receive/respond to feedback (from teachers/peers/other resources) to improve understanding and/or revise work and when appropriate can explain how their work is assessed.
Learners demonstrate and/or verbalize understanding of the lesson/content

Digital Learning Environment

Learners use digital tools/technology as a direct substitute, with no functional change
Learners use digital tools/technology as a direct substitute with a functional improvement
Learners use digital tools/technology allows for significant task redesign.
Learners use digital tools/technology for the creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable


1. Teachers aware of the student with chronic absence or tardy issues
2. Sign out books look at them in front of office
3. Ask about transportation issues
4. Always clear during class time
5. Posted expectations for attendance and follow up with Administration
6. Ask these questions posted below
7. Know their SAP chronic absences
8. Look at office processes
9. Example of visuals to encourage be there
10. Attendance info data/chats folder
11. Teacher can state school policy
12. Learner can state make up work policy
13. Post policy for make-up work; does it pertain to grading?
14. Record goals and display data next line
15. Make up policies are clearly posted
16. Reaction to tardiness
17. Class and school wide initiatives
18. Number of empty seats
19. Is there a substitute?
20. Did the teacher take attendance?
21. Ask (if not interrupting): Did you make a call for attendance?
22. Where is the process for schools to follow up?


1. Safe environment
2. Review peer collaboration
3. Do students know what their expectations are when asked by visitor?
4. Do learners collaborate with each other?
5. Student-centered environment
6. Students asking questions
7. Collaborative discussions
8. Students supporting each other in groups or partners
9. Evidence of student buy-in or development of classroom expectations
10. Students gather necessary materials and arrive to work space quickly without needing to ask questions Consistent consequences for student actions
11. Collegiality among students
12. Peer conversations regarding content
13. L’s ask challenging Q’s
14. Little to no downtime
15. Work in teams to solve problems
16. Students are willing to help each other without prompting
17. All students feel comfortable raising their hand and answering
18. Learners are working in cooperative pairs or groups to support learning
19. Students praising each other
20. Develop a system for students to express their feelings about their own behavior and how others’ behavior is affecting their learning
21. Student willing to share/volunteer
22. Students compliment each other and adults
23. Very short transitions from one activity to the next
24. Expectations are posted
25. Learners are engaged in their learning
26. All students work together/no isolation
27. Sharing of material items, resources
28. Students are supportive to help other’s transition remind of routine
29. Rubrics
30. When behavior is addressed verbally does the adult reference teaching the student the expected behavior or only state consequence?
31. Routines are clear for entry of classroom
32. Peer response to incorrect answers
33. Establish routines that are apparent to the observer
34. Reinforce positive behavior
35. Is the teacher using/presenting methods to teach behavior?
36. Well-defined structures for activities
37. Respect agreements
38. Differentiation – expectations are clear but students are individual
39. Bell-to-bell planning
40. Transitioning routines are clearly established and require minimal direction from teacher

Classroom Success

1. Students understand what is required in the lesson
2. Technology is assimilated into various aspects of the lesson
3. Student collaboration
4. Technology supports instructions by following for collaboration, students are more engaged with each other and the teacher.
5. Mechanisms in place for immediate prompt student feedback
6. No student is isolated or prevented from their work
7. Students talking to one another about the lesson
8. Digital learning is meaningful
9. Active
10. Group/Pairs Learning
11. Multiple levels of activities tasks or questions
12. Tech use relevant to lesson
13. Technology that adds to learning, not an easy babysitter.
14. Students engaged in meaningful discussion of standard
15. Students can explain the task and the “why”
16. Learnings have access to their own data
17. Student active engagement related to standard rigorous & relevant
18. Differentiated learning evident individualized
19. Rubric is displayed
20. Accessibility- opportunities to plug into charging
21. Student related to lesson
22. Data/Progress monitoring displayed
23. Rigor in the classroom
24. Digital resources to support/enhance learning
25. Collaboration
26. Student/Teacher on going monitoring
27. Students on Access- Students are working on grade level access standards according to the essential understandings. The students work should be measured by this.
28. Work displayed
29. How students demonstrate mastery of the content
30. Instruction aligned with the essentials question and standard
31. Level of questions
32. Standards Posted: Sunshine State Standard
33. Student activity is related to the Standard
34. Content alignment with Standard
35. Rubric displayed
36. Related to standard mastery defined for student
37. Students monitoring their own learning
38. Able to elaborate what they know and still need to know
39. Student on-task and involved
40. Peers taking lead- teaching others
41. Noise/Talking

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